Problems with php and internet explorer 10

  • As far as I understand this, it's not a krpano problem, but I'm posting here in the hope that someone might have some tips for a workaround.

    I'm in the process of building my website which uses PHP to dynamically build the XML files for krpano. Today I started testing with html5 and purchased the krpano license for that just this morning. My first step was to change my index.php to pass "always" instead of "never" to the embedpano() function. To my surprise everything worked perfectly in chrome, I had some slight problems with firefox, which I've yet to narrow down, but removing a load of my xml code got it up and running. Now the big problem, which took me a long time to narrow down was with Internet Explorer 10...

    With IE10 I always got the error "pano.xml.php - xml parsing failed!", so I doubled checked my xml on Everything was ok. So I started commenting out the PHP code one section at a time, expecting at some point that it would start working. After many steps I ended up with the following code:


    Which also gave me the same error! After staring at the screen for a bit I decided to try just a hardcoded xml file with some very simple code in a file named "test.xml" which worked. If I then rename this file to "test.xml.php" I start having problems. For some reason IE10 does not seem to like having .php on the end of the XML file's name?!

    I'm really at a loss what to do... I'm thinking perhaps I can change my http server to parse xml files through the PHP pre-processor... But I'm not quite sure yet if my hosting provider will allow this...

    Has anyone else experienced this?
    Has anyone else found a work around?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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