• I am using the scrolling thumbnails for my mobile-friendly tours and would like the room names to appear on the thumbnail image (not on hover since it does not work on mobiles) because the images get so small that I would like users to be able to choose by the name they see vs. the thumbnail image that they may not clearly be able to tell what room it is.

    Tourweaver displays them nicely on the iPad but I do not use Tourweaver anymore, preferring the customization I have achieved with KRPANO *wink*

    Is this possible? Any XML references appreciated! *smile*

  • Hi!
    Easyist way is make thumbnails images with text as graphics.
    But if you want to add real text over thiumbs with scrolling thumbnails plugin
    then try this code (set each thumb plugin as parent for text plugin)

    <action name="set_thumb_as_text_parent">
    	for( set(i,0) , i LT thumbnails[%1].thumb.count, inc(i) ,

    %1 - thumbnails name,
    text_%N - is textfield plugin with name (text_0, text_1, text_2, .... )
    NOTE! - use this action after delay because thumbs adds only after previous loaded and has some delay before last thumb apear.

    I prefer first option

    Andrey *thumbup*

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