Problem of rotation on iphone

  • I have a version of krpano dedicated to iphone: I have a panorama, plus a tool bar at the bottom of the screen. This works well when the screen display in portrait mode.
    When i rotate my device to landscape, the display is wrong. It seems as if all the displayed view is moved around 60 pixel up, and the top of the panorama is out of the screen.

    i can have on the bottom of the screen in my main html page a button which lead to a javascript function window.scrollBy( 0, -60) or scroll down the page whis on finger and all become right ! then the bug is fixed till i go back to portrait, then to landscape.

    How to fix the view inside of the screen ?

  • Hi,

    when using the default krpano html file and the fullwindow pano embedding with 1:1 scaling,
    then the krpano viewer will scroll the iPhone urlbar automatically away,

    but when you are using an other html file without that, you would need to handle the html page resizes and scrolling yourself,

    best regards,

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