krpano user manual ???

  • Where can I find a manual on how to use krpano? I am now using autopano. ptgui, QTVR2 and so far all those programs have great documentation manuals on how to get started. This seems to have a lot of different parts of this program. I bought the program but I'm not sure what I bought. It looks like I need to buy a text editor and write a lot of codes...... is that correct? I downloaded the krpano tools and the program, now I need to know how to start getting it to work.

  • Notepad++ is free as well as many other text editors.

    Here are the VERY basics.

    Unzip the tools and the license(s). Put the license(s) in the tools folder. Copy a panorama or several panoramas at once. Paste them onto the bat file of your choice in the tools folder. Files should start generating in the folder that you copied the panos from. Edit the XML as you want it to be. Study the examples that come in the viewer download. READ this forum. Look at the documentation link above.

    Ask questions and read the questions others have asked.

    Good luck.


  • Thanks for your help. While I have been working in Photography for the past 50 years, I just started with large panos last year. And while I've been working with digital imaging since 1984-85, all the new programs have their own hoops to jump through. This looks interesting and another hill to climb.
    Thanks again.


  • Hi, Sixshooter!

    Your post reminds me my start in krpano) After downloading I tried to find "setup.exe" or "install.exe" and was very confused, when couldn't do it.

    I wrote some very basic example for tour with two panos and two hotspots, which make transitions between panos. I hope, it can help to understand tour structure in krpano xml-files.

    1) Download krpano, unzip it and put "krpano.license" in the folder "krpano", "krpanotools.license" - in "krpanotools". If you haven't licenses you may continue in krpano demo mode;

    2) Create folder "my_first_tour" in any place you want and paste there two spherical panoramas (aspect ratio - 2:1). Set the name of the first pano - "first_pano.jpg", another pano - "second_pano.jpg".

    Note: if you want to use non-spherical panoramas or another extensions (png, tiff) you should change text in tags “image” in example code below;

    3) Open folder "krpanotools", find "MAKE PANO (MULTIRES) droplet.bat". Drag and drop your panos ("first_pano" and "second_pano") on this droplet (I use Windows, in other systems this should be done in the same way);

    4) Wait while panoramas are processed. Then in your folder "my_first_tour" is appeared very many files);

    5) Let's destroy all unnecessary files. Delete all files and folders, EXCEPT:

    • first_pano.tiles and second_pano.tiles;
    • skin;
    • first_pano.html;
    • first_pano.js;
    • first_pano.swf;
    • first_pano.xml.

    6) Open file "first_pano.xml". To do it, I'll recommend to use special XML editors (see more). I use free and simple XML Copy Editor

  • 7) Delete code from "first_pano.xml" and paste this example code;

    8) Save xml-file!

  • 9) You use two image hotspots (see 37 and 83 lines). You set that images for hotspots are called "simple.png" and situated in the folder "hotspots" (see hotspot's url). But there is no such folder yet. Create in "my_first_tour" folder "hotspots" and put there any small picture, which is called"simple.png" (for example, 40*40 pixels).

    Your first tour is ready!

    10) Start your tour by clicking "first_pano.html" (only Adobe Flash needed for your browser. Also you may have problems with offline usage of krpano. See here to solve them).

    I hope, that this simple example helps you to start in krpano. I didn't write explanations about example code, because there are good comments.

    You may also use krpano documentation, this forum and examples in krpano download pack.

    Link to the result

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