How to show the poster image untill click the play button

  • I tried by adding html5preload="none"

    <plugin name="video"		       url.flash="%SWFPATH%/plugins/videoplayer.swf"			url.html5="%SWFPATH%/plugins/videoplayer.js"		        pausedonstart="true"		        loop="true"		        volume="1.0"		        html5preload="none"		       			onclick="togglepause();"		        onloaded="add_video_sources();"		        />

    but the poster image not remain on the player it shows for a very short time and loads the video.

    I need poster image there until i click the play icon.

    Thank you

  • Hi,
    I also have the same problem. I've tried html5preload="metadata", and the poster image is visible only for a very short time.
    As an aside, if I set html5preload="none", there is still a network request in the network console in Chrome, exactly similar to "metadata".

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