Error with SET mouse.x and mouse.y

  • Hello, I'm having an error in a certain computer with "Chrome v.51 and Windows 7" when trying to SET 'mouse.x' and 'mouse.y' from a javascript function as follows:

    $(document).mousemove(function(e) {
    	parentOffset = $("#krpanoSWFObject").offset();
    	relX = e.pageX - parentOffset.left;
    	relY = e.pageY -;
    	document.getElementById('krpanoSWFObject').call("trace('MOVING POINTER...',mouse.x,'/',mouse.y);");

    Getting this Error in the krpano console log:
    "Calling action 'set' failed! ReferenceError: Error #1074"

    Also tried with this function:

    $(document).mousemove(function(e) {
    	parentOffset = $("#krpanoSWFObject").offset();
    	relX = e.pageX - parentOffset.left;
    	relY = e.pageY -;
    	document.getElementById('krpanoSWFObject').set('mouse.x', relX); //--------> THIS IS A DIFFERENT LINE
    	document.getElementById('krpanoSWFObject').set('mouse.y', relY); //--------> THIS IS A DIFFERENT LINE
    	document.getElementById('krpanoSWFObject').call("trace('MOVING POINTER...',mouse.x,'/',mouse.y);");

    But now I get errors in Chrome's Javascript console:
    "Uncaught Error: Error: An invalid exception was thrown."
    pointing the line with -> document.getElementById('krpanoSWFObject').set('mouse.x', relX);
    And so, Javascript sequence stopped working.

    I've tested with (Internet Explorer/Windows 7/Same computer), (Opera/Windows 7/Same computer), (Firefox/Windows 7/Same computer), (Chrome v.51/Windows 10), (Chrome/OSX 10.11), (Safari/OSX 10.11), (IOS 9.3.2/iPhone/iPad)
    with no errors in all those systems

    I have deleted the browser cache, also tried reinstalling Chrome, obtaining the same errors

    What could be happening *confused* ?

    Thanks & Regards!

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