• Hi, I have a button in my tour that opens a floor plan. All works fine
    on windows PC but on my ipad the button image has shifted too far to the
    left and obscures the skin logo.

    In the xml I have this code

    <layer name="fbbtn" url="fp.png" scale="1.00" align="topleft" x="5"
    y="150" keep="true" zIndex="1000" onclick="switch(layer

    [floorplan].visible);" />

    <layer name="floorplan" url="floorplan/tsr0161fp.jpg" scale="0.80"
    align="center" keep="true" visible="false" />

    <layer name="skin_logo" url="plugins/teamstarlogosmall.jpg" scale="1.00" align="lefttop" opened_onclick="openurl

    ('http://www.teamstarholidayrentals.com',_blank);" />

    Here is the comparison of images PC on top and iPad on bottom

    Any help much appreciated *smile*

  • Hi Pete,
    I just used your code to replicate your problem to see if I could help (had something similar going on with a plugin not long ago) but with 'x="5"
    y="150"..' it puts the button up in the top left corner so I'm not sure why, in your attached images, it shows near the centre,top of your screen.

    If it's the centre you want it, why not use:

    <layer name="fbbtn" url="hotspots/video_button.png" scale="1.00" align="top,center" x=""
    y="5%" keep="true" zIndex="1000" onclick="switch(layer

    [floorplan].visible);" />

    This seems too obvious so I imagine you've tried it and I've missed the point completely *wacko*

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