1.17 not working the way 1.17 (build 2013-10-28) did!

  • I'm playing around with the new 1.17 and I have encountered a problem in IE11.

    I am testing with this panorama:


    The xml file and the tiles are hosted at tiles.panographica.dk so I suspect a cross site scripting problem.

    When I use the released 1.17 (build 2013-12-19) in IE11, I get "FATAL ERROR: http://tiles.panographica.dk/panoramas/coo/…ngbykirke01.xml - loading failed! (Error: Permission denied)". Chrome & FF works fine. Now if I downgrade the js file to 1.17 (build 2013-10-28) then the problem is gone and the pano displays in all browsers.

    Is this a bug in krpano? Is this a bug in my code? Please help.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hmmm, that's strange.

    The link from the first post is the one that doesn't work for me. I have tested it on two additional computers and on one more internet connection. I have cleared caches and disabled and reenabled all browser plugins to see if they interfered. Still nothing. It just doesn't work in Internet Explorer 11 for me. It works fine in all other browsers I have tested.

    Forum users, does http://www.coo.dk/panoramas/lyngbykirke/ work for you in Internet Explorer 11?

    I'll keep investigating.

    Best regards & merry christmas


  • Hi,

    sorry, but I've missed that part that this is a IE11-only problem and you're right, it's not working in IE11.

    I think I know the reason - the new version uses an different (and IE-only) API for loading the xml files in the IE browser. The other API allows loading local xml files in IE (see the 'New: Support loading local xml files in IE10 / IE11' note in the release notes), but as it seems it doesn't support 'CORS' when loading xml files from other domains.

    That will be corrected in the next release, then the special IE-only API will be used only for local xml files and the standard one for all other cases, then it will work in IE11 again.

    Best regards,

  • Thank God I saw this. I was going insane the past 2 weeks trying to figure out on my end why Krpano 1.17 PR was not reading CORS cross-domain data from Amazon S3.

    I spend SO many hours trying to diagnose this and the answer was here the whole time.

    Just an FYI, this current issue extends to all incarnations of IE11.

    I can confirm that all Microsoft Surface tablets cannot read Krpano 1.17PR when the tiles are called on from an external storage domain.

    But this is all a moot point soon I guess when the next release arrives.

  • This is very odd.

    I'm using 1.17pr2 now and the problem still persists in IE11 + HTML5/webgl loading from Amazon S3/CORS. Flash + CORS + IE11 working fine of course. Ipad/Iphone + CORS is working fine. Just the bloody IE11 + CORS + WebGL.

    Perhaps still something on my end in .htaacess or CORS rules? What declaration statements, obel, are you using?

    Something similar to...

    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "origin, x-requested-with, content-type"
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS"

  • An update regarding IE11 + 1.17pr2 + WebGL...

    I found it will load the tiles in the XML as long as an absolute path is used to the off-site server.

    It will not load the files with a relative path at this point and will not rely on the .htaacess to indicate the off-site location.

    However, all other browsers and the Flash player has no problem with not using a hard-link absolute path.

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