real estate tour wish list


    I am playing with krpano and panotour, site reflects efforts with both. I would prefer it to end up being a krpano project. Panotour at the time being barfs on the spherical and also encrypts the xml files.

    I wish to have the tour consist of slides (flat) and sphericals. I have tried to use bombtimer and have only had success making one transition.

    I need to have code that can differentiate between flat and spherical (5 seconds for flat, long enough for one full turn on the sphericals. I would like to be able to add it to the templates, either by the hotspot.xml or vtour, probably parts in both.

    If the hotspot is used then both can be inserted and I delete the opposite unit in each scene.

    I know I will have to have it written and pay for it but first I need to define my wish list so it's only done once.

    If this was your project, what would you want? and who can write it?


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